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In the digitally-connected world we live in today, there are a number of ways gym owners can market their fitness club—one key way being Facebook ads for gym leads.

The difficulty with Facebook ads for gym leads, however, is getting the attention of the intended audience in a crowd of posts from their friends, family, and other brands trying to break into the same space.

Many gym owners might have taken the popular social media platform’s ad tools for a test run, but plateaued with their results because they just couldn’t come up with a strategy that would set them apart. And, ultimately, get them the gains in new gym members they were hoping for.

Facebook ads for gym leads barbell

If that’s your client, we’ve got you covered and we’re glad you’re here with us today. That’s because we’ve created a ready-made funnel that’ll help you max out lead generation efforts—all by using Facebook ads to increase membership sales this week.

Are you ready to kick things up a notch (or two)? We thought so. Let’s get started…

Why Should I Take the Facebook Ads Route to Generate More Gym Memberships?

Well, if you really know us and what we’re about, the appropriate question to ask is… why wouldn’t you take it?!

You’ve read it here. You’ve read it there. Heck, the proof is in the pudding in so many places across the webosphere that Facebook ads can take your business far, especially when it comes to increasing foot traffic and conversions.

I know, I know. Why in the world would you pay to play to get your audience to see your message on the social media platform? But, it’s absolutely, positively, 100% worth it. Why?

Well, to get right to it, 1.28 billion people log onto Facebook dailyDAILY. What does that mean for you? The chances of your local target audience being there are extremely high, which helps make it that much easier for you to successfully reach them with your offer.

Now, after reading that last paragraph, I’m sure you’re in this for the long haul. Right? I figured. Here’s what you’ve been waiting for…