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Whatever the size of your business or customer base you serve, it’s a crowded marketplace that gets more competitive each day. Your businesses must make the most of your limited resources to maximize impact on their bottom line and make sure that you are top of mind when customers think of your type of business.

Further complicating matters, the online environment now provides so many different marketing channels, it can be overwhelming to choose a strategy that best suits your budget, goals, and expectations.

Despite those many marketing choices, however, one channel seamlessly meshes with print ads, social media, banner advertising or any other technique you want to use in your overall campaign – email.

Email marketing is the common denominator that can effectively send a message and tell a story, no matter your target audience’s age, occupation or technical savvy.

It’s convenient yet powerful, consistent and customizable, bolstering your brand’s identity and recognition by keeping your small business at the forefront of a customer’s attention. Repeated visits to a customer’s inbox — even when the messages aren’t opened or sit untouched for days at a time — is the unobtrusive yet impactful reminder your business needs to stay at the front of the mental Rolodex.

Of course, email campaigns maximize their ability to engage your audience when your customers open them to read content that is insightful and specific to their interests and needs. When combined with a monthly newsletter that provides a compelling narrative and personalizes your message, an email campaign can be precise, engaging and leave your customers wanting more.

Simply put, email marketing that leverages the power of a consistent newsletter attracts and holds attention, captivates your customer base, and enhances the customer journey that can only help your bottom line.

Why Is Email Different?

Your customers lead busy lives and have widely varying interests. Some live and die by their social media feeds, while others couldn’t care less about their neighbor’s post on the glories of frozen pizza. Likewise, some of your audience spends the majority of their time surfing the web or online shopping, while others see the internet as a necessary evil.

With such different tastes, interests, and habits, digital marketing campaigns can quickly become too broad in scope as they attempt to engage as many potential customers as possible while losing personality and appeal along the way. This dynamic defines the most significant difference between email marketing and other digital channels.

To put it another way, think of your business as a fisherman trying to catch a specific type of fish. You could go out on the open ocean with gigantic nets and start sweeping vast swaths of ocean water in hopes of catching that particular fish. Of course, if you’re lucky enough to find that fish, it will undoubtedly be accompanied by hundreds, maybe thousands of other fish that aren’t what you’re looking for and provide you no benefit.